Silver Silks Capital’s investment process is based on the value investing philosophy. Founded by Benjamin Graham, and evolved by Warren Buffett. The essential concept behind value investing is to acquire a business for less than its intrinsic value. Financial markets provide abundant opportunities to invest into undervalued businesses for numerous reasons, largely attributed to investor psychology which swings cyclically similar to that of a pendulum. Find out more.
We benchmark our performance relative to the S&P 500 index which is historically the world’s best-performing index. This is due to the rationale that our investor’s alternative is always an S&P 500 index fund.
2019: SSC 31.5% vs S&P500 28.34%
2020: SSC 40.3% vs S&P500 7.63%
Investment Strategy
Silver Silk Capital focuses on investing in undervalued high-quality businesses that have a strong-durable competitive advantage allowing them to sustain a high-return on invested capital, with a capacity to re-invest excess free cash flow. Find out more.
Highly Concentrated Portfolio Comprising of 10-15 Investments
Invested for the long term with an expected average holding period for 5+ years
Investing in businesses with an undervalued economic moat structurally embedded into the business model
Focusing on long-term out performance as opposed to short-term performance.